Understanding Face Velocity and Fume Hood Performance
Look at the speedometer above. It shows a speed of 55 miles per hour. But is 55 mph a safe speed? Speed alone does not determine safety; the conditions do....
Alex Albright |
Look at the speedometer above. It shows a speed of 55 miles per hour. But is 55 mph a safe speed? Speed alone does not determine safety; the conditions do....
Alex Albright |
Did you know laser visualization of airflow isn’t new? The revolutionary concept was pioneered by Dr. Rong Fung Huang (黃榮芳), PhD, from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology...
Chip Albright |
It's common to hear laboratories affirming their commitment to testing fume hoods, typically by measuring average face velocity and maybe conducting simple smoke tests. While these practices are widespread, they...
Chip Albright |
In our ongoing interactions regarding laboratory safety and equipment, we've observed a common point of confusion: the misidentification of fume hoods. It’s important to recognize that not all equipment that...
Chip Albright |
The short answer is…Unless you’re regularly performing dynamic containment testing, you don’t know.Annual dynamic containment testing and performance certification of fume hoods by qualified personnel is a practice that ensures...
Alex Albright |
The Chemical Safety Board published a report that looks at serious lab accidents between 2001 and 2018. (report can be downloaded here)They report 262 serious accidents with 490 serious injuries and...
Chip Albright |
Fume hoods are one of the most misunderstood and misused pieces of safety equipment in the lab. Even people who’ve been using hoods for decades may not be able to...
Chip Albright |
Do you have anything to do with Laboratory Fume Hoods? If so, we can help you ensure that your fume hoods are performing safely. Fume Hood Certified focuses only on...
Chip Albright |
For years, our industry has relied on traditional metrics such as average face velocity to gauge the safety of laboratory fume hoods. However, recent findings suggest that this method is...
Chip Albright |
We may be focusing our efforts on the wrong indicator. It's time to challenge the status quo regarding how we evaluate fume hood safety. The traditional reliance on Average Face...
Chip Albright |
Lately, I've been reflecting on the role of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the niche field of fume hoods. It's clear that this is a small, specialized group worldwide. This...
Chip Albright |
At the recent Lab Manager convention our President of FHC, Chip Albright, was awarded the Lab Manager’s 2024 Innovative Safety Product award for Tri-Color. We are honored and excited to...
Alex Albright |